30 September 2010

It's NOT In Your Head

For all those moms out there living with Postpartum Depression and/or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, don't allow some yahoo to make you think for one moment what you're going through isn't real. For some medications work and for others a combination of therapy and medication management work. Whatever works for you whether it's one or the other, both, prayer, support groups, reading, exercises, meditation or whatever...keep doing it. You will continue to feel better and what you feel is real. Something so real that only you know how it affects you. Keep your head up ladies. We might be a little stressed however it could never overshadow that we are oh so blessed!

03 September 2010

Pretty Much Love Her

My beautiful baby girl is one year old today. She has been worth every second of two and a half months of complete bed rest, hernia repair surgery and any other temporary discomfort. Just listening to her giggle or getting a wet and sloppy kiss is like having the best Christmas ever. My life has changed in ways no one could explain and yet she's worth it all. Motherhood may not be for every woman however it most definitely is for me! Be blessed.

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