03 September 2010

Pretty Much Love Her

My beautiful baby girl is one year old today. She has been worth every second of two and a half months of complete bed rest, hernia repair surgery and any other temporary discomfort. Just listening to her giggle or getting a wet and sloppy kiss is like having the best Christmas ever. My life has changed in ways no one could explain and yet she's worth it all. Motherhood may not be for every woman however it most definitely is for me! Be blessed.

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  1. My youngest has her birthday next week so I've been thinking the same things about her as what you shared. So wonderful to be totally in love with our delicious little bundles. Not all of mine have brought out that emotion, mind you... some have been much tougher to relate to, even as little ones. But the youngest, she's like a little icing for me. So I can totally relate to this post!

    Glad to meet you on Moms Together. Looking forward to chatting more over time!

  2. Thank you! So glad to meet you as well. My Zboo is battling teething in the worst of ways. At times I want to scream however my love for her smooths out the yucky parts.
