I named her a year before I knew she was mine. She was named after (in a roundabout way) my father (Louis) and brother-in-law (one of his favorite designers was Louis Vuitton) and me. The reason why I got a papillon is my drill sargent used to call me that because of the movie and it rhymes with my last name. So put it all together I got this gorgeous pap named LuLu.
Lu was born just a few days before I moved out of the shelter and I got her the week she was weaned. She was one of the first things I got when I moved. She made my home complete. My other dog Rubee was very old and I wanted her sister to help prolong her life a bit longer. Though I was in the shelter for only a few months, I felt like I lost so much time. Brodee was allowed to visit quite frequently which helped with my adjustment back to normalcy until that abruptly ended...not by my choice.
We were fortunate to make lots of other furfriends through the years. LuLu was my baby. She had run of the house after Rubee passed away. Normally she was very inviting. Then I got pregnant. I started to notice she didn't appreciate my belly and definitely not the movement that came from it. When I was 23 weeks along, I was hospitalized and LuLu had to stay with a former neighbor (total lifesaver). I remember crying once I realized my life had changed in a split second it seemed. When I gave birth, Zaynub stayed in the NICU for 3 weeks. We moved into a larger apartment and so I had a little time to get it together. When Z was an infant and not mobile, things were good. LuLu seemed to love her sissy bug to pieces. Then sissy bug started walking and pretty much hit the ground running. She would chase poor Lu around, get into her food and water bowls and just bother her. She knew all her hiding places. On the other hand, Z shared every meal, snack and crumb with Lu. I thought for sure we were going to be okay.
A few weeks ago I noticed Lu was showing signs of aggression whenever Z got too close to her. I would yell at Lu to walk away when she saw her coming and try to tell Z to leave her alone. It didn't work. Eventually I couldn't leave them alone for fear of what might happen. LuLu was and still is a sweet girl. She wasn't the baby anymore. I couldn't go take her for a walk at any given time or give her that one on one attention when she craved it. After talking with only a couple people I decided I needed to find her a new home. The first rescue wanted her to stay with me while I interviewed potential new families. I needed to have the least amount of involvement in this process as possible. I knew this was going to be one of those things where if I talked about it too much I would find a way to keep her. When I met her foster mom and surrendered her I was so upset I could barely talk. Our last full day with LuLu, Zaynub woke up and ran down the hallway saying "LuLu" for the first time. Then her last meal she let Z hand feed her bit by bit. Yeah I was a mess.
It really was difficult however I have to protect my child. One day I'll realize I did the right thing for all of us. I know she will go to a good home and get all the love and attention she deserves. I just wish it was at home with me.