06 April 2012

Getting Fit

After spending a good portion of my pregnancy in the bed, I still didn't think about how difficult it would be to get active again. It could have been because my daughter spent her first few weeks of life in the NICU. So it was back and forth to the hospital everyday. I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight two weeks after giving birth and became too preoccupied with being a new mother to think about maintaining my weight. Ten months after giving birth I was diagnosed with PPD and PTSD and still managed to maintain my weight with the trial and error of finding the right medicine. Around February of 2011, I started new medicines and slowly started picking up weight as well as having a new health issue. My therapist, gynecologist and endocrinologist did several tests most coming back negative except for my thyroid. To this day I have not been given a straight answer regarding my possible thyroid issue however I've had enough health problems to know it's still not corrected. My weight gain eventually stopped. Last November I started doing Zumba and fell in love with it. Since January I've been doing Zumba four times a week, yoga once or twice a week and I just started running three times a week. One would think I would have lost some weight by now. The scale says otherwise. I've gone down on the body fat and just a few pounds lighter. Unfortunately I haven't found another doctor where I currently live though I don't rule out the possible thyroid issue. I take vitamins and supplements, drink more water than a fish and eat fairly healthy homemade meals. My goal is to lose about 40lbs, lower my body fat percentage and get healthy for my girl. She means more to me than anything and deserves to have a strong, healthy mom.