27 March 2013

My Winter Yuck

So it's finally spring or so the calendar says. I had a rough bout with depression this past winter. After a year of consistently working out and starting school, I stayed active but then came winter break. For the first time in months I had "me" time. The first day or two were refreshing. I could do whatever I wanted from 8:30 until 5 while my girl was in school. So I got caught up on a few TV shows and took naps. Unfortunately this lead to a week of downtime. I now know downtime is my enemy. So skip ahead to spring semester, I don't have the motivation to go to Zumba once a week more or less 3 or 4 times. I did another 5K and was only able to run a few seconds which felt like extreme torture. But the absolute worst issue with my brief break was the weight gain. I had reached what seemed like a plateau and was starting to become discouraged while still working out. Now I'm forced to face my reality each and every time I try to get a workout in. What happened to getting fit for my girl? I don't know and it seemed like I didn't care. Hoping to start working out and running again soon as I'm going to do several 5Ks. Cross your fingers for me, send me good vibes and say a little prayer because I need all the help I can get.